Use Dermefface FX7 ™ to Reduce the Appearance of: Acne Scars, Burn Scars, Hypertrophic Scars, Surgery Scars, Accident Scarss
You Don’t Need To Hide Your Scars Anymore – Here’s A Solution: Dermefface FX7!
The Dermefface FX7 allows you to fight all troubles and inconveniences brought by your scars!
Forget about embarrassment. No more need to hide your scars. No more need to worry if all eyes are on you.
With this scientifically proven of the clinically tested solution, you can finally minimize your scars and make them to be almost invisible!
There's no need for risky or painful laser surgeries or extremely expensive steroid injections.
All you have to do is to use this luxurious, natural, non-greasy, efficient, fast-absorbing, and affordable cream for your scars related problem twice daily, and the first results will become obvious after only 4 weeks.

Acne Scars
Burn Scars
Hypertrophic Scars
Surgery Scars
Accident Scars
Ron H From Seattle Washington
The Ultimate 'Scar-Fade' Technology
You should be fully aware that once your injury heals itself after the formation of a scar, your skin is still active below the surface while trying to remodel your skin.
According to scar’s size and depth, this remodeling process can sometimes last as long as 2 years! That's the right moment for the Dermefface FX7™ to jump in.
This product comes with a clinical proof for its 7 active ingredients, 10 potent antioxidants, and 5 super moisturizers. You can rest assured that all of these elements will influence all layers of your skin in order to treat adequately the appearance of your scars by:
Tracking your improvements with the help of the Skin Remodeling Phase (IV)
Forcing your 'scarred cells' to hit the surface where they can be treated adequately
Significant increase of the 'normal cells' with an aim of replacing the scarred cells
... As a result, eventually, your scars will fade away more quickly and efficiently! Scars will be flattened and will look smoother. Skin aging process around your scar area will be significantly reduced. In addition, flakiness and itching will no longer be an annoying problem, thanks to the effects of extremely efficient moisturizing.

Interviewed On...
"As soon as I’ve founded a private practice in Boston, I’ve decided to put a strong emphasis on beauty methods and procedures. I have to admit that all solutions with proven results in my patients’ personal appearance are more than welcomed.
I think that the people behind the Dermefface have expressed a thorough understanding of the different layers of human skin, and how a scar eventually forms, and more importantly, how it can be reduced, minimized or sometimes even prevented successfully.
As a cosmetic surgeon, I was really skeptical about all of these “scar removal creams” available on the market. I strongly recommend DermeffaceFX7 Scar Reduction Therapy to all people, who want to reduce a scar’s appearance by making it to be much less noticeable. "
- DR. Dave David, MD
Scarred Cells Are Replaced With Healthy Skin! Normal Skin!
Helps You To Restore Skin's Production Of Collagen In Scarred Cells:

As soon as your wounds are healed and completely dry you can start using the Dermefface FX7™.
Actually, the sooner you start applying it, the greater are the chances that you will successfully reduce permanent scar related effects. (With Dermefface FX7™ you can significantly decrease the appearance of your old scars, as well!)
Because as soon as you start using Dermefface FX7™, you can expect the following:
Quick healing of all skin layers such as the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissues
Ensure the regrowth of healthy and normally looking skin with improved production of both Type I & Type III collagens
Improve your skin cell turnover, which is a part of the 28-day cycle of skin cell regeneration
Increase the replacement of 'scarred' cells with healthy and normal skin cells
As a part of your skin's typical 28-day cycle of regeneration, when the dead skin cells are replaced with the new skin cells, your 'scarred' areas are naturally restored with healthier looking and NORMAL skin cells!
When the skin has been hurt, your scars come as a result of the inadequate production of collagen.
When TOO MUCH collagen is being produced
- your scar will look larger than it really is including more discolored appearance.
When NOT ENOUGH collagen is being produced
- the scar will be more vulnerable to a possibility of re-injuring yourself.
In order to fade your scars, the Dermefface FX7™ Scar Reduction Therapy can be the right solution for you. It is formulated to successfully normalize the release of the skin healing collagen (type III) including the skin strengthening collagen (type I), as well.
... Replacing scar affected cells with healthy and normal skin cells can increase the scar-erasing effects.